I know that many of us are involved with various Bible studies and other reading, but I was curious to hear from you guys about your approach to Bible study. Recently I have read about the Life Journal that Chris uses and the Bible journaling method that Diane uses. Both sound like amazing ways to learn, and I would really like to try these in the future.
This year my husband and I are reading the Daily Bible to do a broad, chronological study of scripture. I am typically an ESV reader, so will be cross-referencing a bit. I also like to journal reflections, as well as use various commentaries and word study resources. I also recently purchased a new Bible atlas which I am really excited about-- I like to visualize when I read.
What are some of the Bible study methods that you use? What study tools do you enjoy?
First, thank you for always having encouraging words.
Journaling.....I have been journaling for about 7 years now. I just write in a regular school spiral notebook. I basically first write out my prayers and praises. One, it helps me to focus. Two, it is great to go back and see how God has worked. Now, I have tried to read straight through the Bible and have yet to succeed. So my new approach, since about October, is I really want to get through the life of David and Paul. So I alternate between the New Testament and Old. I read what I can. Sometimes it is several chapters and sometimes just one. This puts less pressure on me and I won't feel like a failure. When I am done reading I will write a verse or two down that spoke to me. Or maybe a question I have. Nothing fancy, but it works.
I am interested in reading others.
By the way, I use the Message Bible. I just love it and it has opened my world.
Kelly--I use the ESV and sometimes the NASB...our pastor has preached on the accuracy of the ESV,so we have enjoyed that version this year.
My method? I really do not have one...I read through books at a time(right now,we have been going through John in our family worship time and I have been reading through Psalms in my time)...reading,as if God is speaking the words to me,then I pray...so it is like an actual conversation. That helps me. I do not have a consistent time everyday when I do this. I like having a scheduled time,but I have realized,at this point in my life...it isn't always the same time,but that's okay. I'm working on it. I have an alone quiet time about 2-3 times a week and we have family worship time together as a family about 3-4 times a week in the evenings.
I use the plan I shared for my daily time. I don't do it on Sunday and I don't beat myself up if I miss a day.
In addition to my Life Jouranl, I am usually going through a book of the bible or other study for teaching and I love the Valley of Vision and Praying God's Words.
Finding that time everyday is always a challenge, but I have found if I make it the priority first thing in the morning, my day is so much smoother.
I usually use a study written by someone where you can write answers to questions that they want you to think on. I am going to try Chris' life journal method, because it can really be applied to my everyday life. I'm also going to do a psalm and a proverb every day. I read that is what Billy Graham has done his whole adult life.
When I am studying, I use the inductive method of Bible study. I first learned it while doing a precept bible study course.
For this year, my Bible reading plan is the M'Cheyne plan. We read two chapters together as a family and Karl and I read two more chapters together before we go to bed. ESV.
I keep a journal, too. My journal is usually where I write down which verses really spoke to me and how I am going to apply God's word to my life. Like the other ladies, my days aren't all exactly the same, so my "alone" time with God fluctuates from day to day.
If we were all really honest (and biblical in our thinking), though, we could say that there isn't a moment in our days that we are not spending time with Jesus. That's how I look at it. All of my life is lived before Him, and to Him, and in His power. Yes, there are special times set aside for prayer and reading and studying, but I can't think of a time in the day when I am not considering the Lord and His thoughts of me and what I'm doing. Does that make sense?
I do so much better when I have a battle plan like a formal Bible Study. Beth Moore & Kay Arthur are great ones for me.
There are more times than I care to admit when I open the Bible and say "LORD...show me something I need!" and just skip around. He is always faithful.
Right now I'm reading straight thru the Bible. I slowed down during Christmas and it is time to pick it back up again.
I shared a few methods I use for my daily reading--in the Psalms or Proverbs. I do those in conjunction with an organized Bible study class, like Lindsey mentioned, because I am weak on my own.
Studying The Bible is so important and so interesting too...there is so much to be learned! I hope that you find the approach that works best for you!
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